Professional Pest Control in Glen Burnie Eliminates Fleas at All Stages of the Life Cycle

by | May 22, 2017 | Pest Control Service

When fleas invade the home, a great deal of diligence typically is necessary to rid the place of these biting little critters. That’s why so many people choose to hire professional Pest Control in Glen Burnie to help them deal with the problem. They may not have time to do the amount of laundry, house cleaning, and regular pet bathing necessary to rid the home of fleas. Professional pest control technicians won’t wash the cat, dog, or the home’s linens. What they will do is employ tactics that eliminate fleas and prevent future outbreaks from eggs left by those pesky bugs.

Many individuals want to try flea-removal methods that don’t involve chemical strategies, but they generally find doing so is simply too much work. Without insecticide as applied by professional Pest Control in Glen Burnie, fleas continue to appear and breed, and the eggs and larvae remain viable. Larvae are the immature stage of fleas after they crawl from a hatched egg. The eggs are so tiny they are barely visible. Pest control technicians understand the life cycle of the flea and how to eliminate it at all stages. Over-the-counter products applied haphazardly by the home’s residents are not likely to be as effective. People often find themselves having to repeat the action over and over while still not achieving full success.

People should never feel embarrassed about a flea invasion. These incidents are not caused by uncleanliness or general disarray in a home, although those situations make dealing with the invasion significantly more difficult. Fleas commonly enter a home after jumping onto a dog or cat boarded at a kennel or that picked up a flea or two in the yard. Even a human visitor to the house can bring a flea if his or her home has been invaded. The bugs are opportunistic and are not species-specific, as lice are. That means they are happy to bite humans, dogs, cats, and any other warm-blooded creatures. They can be very difficult to eliminate once they take up residence. A company such as Accutech Pest Management can help. See us for contact details.

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