The Truth about Dental Implants

by | Jan 10, 2018 | Dentistry

Before getting Dental Implants Plantation, you should know what they are.
A dental implant is an option for replacing a missing tooth. Implants are false teeth that get surgically placed in your upper or lower jaw. They function identically to regular teeth.

Titanium gets used to make dental implants. Another part used during implants is called the abutment. This part joins the implant to the crown. It gets made of titanium, porcelain, or gold.

Keep reading to learn more about dental implants.

What Happens During the Tooth Implant Procedure?

When you get a dental implant, it typically happens in three phases and takes place over the course of a couple of months.

The first part is when your dentist surgically puts your implant into your jaw. The top of your implant goes a little above the bone. A screw is then placed into your implant to avoid any problems. The screw gets rid of any gaps, which stops bacteria from entering. After that, your doctor makes sure your gum gets secured over your implant. Your gum stays this way for about three to six months. During this phase, your doctor gives you a list of foods to eat. Following this list helps with your implant heal faster.

In the second step, your implant gets uncovered. Your dentist puts an extension into your implant. Once this happens, it allows your gum tissue to heal around that area. When that part of your mouth gets restored, your implant and extension act as the base for your new tooth.

In the final step, your dentist creates an artificial tooth for you. This tooth is called a dental crown. It should look and feel like a real tooth. It has the same size, shape, and color of your other teeth. When the entire procedure gets finished, the crown gets attached to your implant post.

After this process, look in a mirror to see how beautiful your smile is!

If you are looking for dental implants in Schaumburg, please go to Start Smiling Dental Implant Centers at website.

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