Exploring Offense Classifications with a Theft Defense Lawyer

by | Jul 11, 2018 | Lawyers and Law Firm

In Kansas, theft charges apply any time someone is arrested in possession of property that belongs to another party. To avoid a conviction, the person must prove they had permission from the owner to use the property. A theft defense lawyer can build a defense to avoid a conviction.

What Is Theft in Kansas?

Theft is considered obtaining control over property, acquiring property through deceit or fraud, using coercion to acquire control over property, or stealing property that is owned by another person. While the property is returned to its owner, the property identified is used as evidence in the criminal proceedings.

What Is a Class A Misdemeanor Theft Charge?

The classification applies to any property that has a value lower than $1,000. The crime is considered petty theft under Kansas laws. The most common form of petty theft is writing worthless checks or using forged instruments such as checks to obtain cash. The criminal offense is punished by a maximum of one year in prison and a fine of $2,500.

What Is a Class 9 Felony Theft Charge?

The classification applies to properties that are valued between $1,000 and $25,000. The most common form of theft that falls under this category is theft of services such as the use of water, electricity, or cable television without authorization or establishing services illegally. The penalties for the offense include a maximum prison sentence of seven months and a fine of $100,000.

What Is a Class 7 Felony Theft Charge?

The classification applies to properties that are valued between $25,000 and $100,000. The penalties for the criminal offense start with a prison sentence of up to thirteen months and a maximum fine of $100,000.

What Is a Class 5 Felony Theft Charge?

The classification applies to properties that are valued at no less than $100,000. The crime is considered grand larceny. The penalties for the crime include a prison sentence of thirty-four months and a fine of $300,000.

In Kansas, theft charges relate to any act where property owned by another party was obtained illegally. The charges range in classification according to the monetary value of the property. People facing these charges are encouraged to contact a theft defense lawyer at. You can also follow them on Twitter for latest news and update!

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