Private Equity: Public Relations: What is the Connection?

by | May 23, 2013 | Financial Services

Public relations helps to build confidence and promote a company, organization, or firm in the midst of a competitive landscape. It does this by building up a particular image of the business and by pointing out differentiators that make it stand out from the competition. This helps to define a company’s brand, build up its client base, and in due course increase profitability.

In private equity, public relations is very important. You might not think that a private equity firm would need to engage in marketing or public relations because it is not trying to sell anything, but in all actuality, it is ultimately selling itself to potential investors.

Increase Stakeholders
Traditionally, the stakeholders of a private equity firm consisted primarily of a relatively small group of investors from a localized area. With the expanding markets and the ever-changing world of finance, however, stakeholder groups are increasing in number and scope to include partners in new locations, from different backgrounds, and with different investment goals. For private equity, public relations is especially vital when it comes to attracting the attention of new investors and increasing the number of stakeholders. As a result, it is of the utmost importance that even private equity firms have strong brands, a unique and memorable image, and a public relations campaign that communications these things to potential investors.

Employee Application
For private equity, public relations has other applications. Having a strong brand is not just helpful in fundraising and attracting the assets of investors, but also in attracting top-tier employees. The brightest and most successful individuals in the finance world want to work for and be associated with firms that have a good track record and a great reputation. Public relations efforts can assist in recruiting and retaining talent at private equity firms. This is obviously good for all involved, because it provides jobs for knowledgeable and qualified professionals, and because it increases the legitimacy of your firm by bringing in the top employees and executives in the industry.

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