When It Might Be Time To Consider A Famous Motivational Speaker

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Business

It seems that everyone focuses on famous motivational speakers for their events and some people wonder if such a speaker can indeed make a difference or not. Of course, you don’t want to shell out that kind of money for fame that won’t matter, so it makes sense to determine when these speakers may be worth the cost and why.

Marketing Tools

Primarily, speakers who have the fame factor, whether they’re athletes, celebrities, business people or academic people, can help with marketing for you. They may send press releases to let others know they’re speaking at your event, which puts you in the limelight. People are curious by nature, and fame is an attention grabber. While they may not attend your event, especially if it is for employees only, they’ll still hear about it and create a buzz about your company.

However, it may be best to choose a famous motivational speaker for events that are open to the general public. You may be able to increase the attendance at these events, as well as charge more for tickets.

Performers And More

Fame usually means that the person in question is a performer of sorts, even if they’re academics or business people. It’s more than just getting people into the venue and having them sit through the event. You want them to feel that it was worth it and they got something out of it. Speakers may have books out that provide a lasting impact (and a way to learn more about them before they speak), and may offer book signings and other options to meet the person and get their autograph.

When You Shouldn’t Consider

While everyone wants a famous motivational speaker to liven things up and get people excited, it may not be best if you can’t afford them or during company-only events where no revenue is made.

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