Benefits of Installing Customized Murphy Beds in Miami

by | Apr 13, 2015 | Furniture

Customized Murphy Beds in Miami, which are more commonly referred to as wall beds or pull down beds, were originally created by William L. Murphy and initially patented in the 1900s. There are a number of different benefits offered by these beds. For example, not only are they practical, they can also help to save you time and money.

The Customized Murphy Beds in Miami do not use any box springs. Typically, the mattress will lie on a wood platform that has been secured by a strap when it is in an upright position in order to prevent the mattress from sagging.

Investing in this type of bed is smart since they are much more versatile than traditional beds. You can save money because your home is able to be transformed instantly, without having to purchase additional furniture. Also, your living space is enhanced, rather than compromised.

However, one of the most appealing benefits offered by Murphy Beds is the fact that it will help you save a significant amount of space. No matter if you have a small, studio apartment or just limited square footage in your home, these beds fold away, allowing you to have access to all the floor space you need when you are not sleeping.

These beds can be customized to your exact specifications, ensuring they fit in the space you have available. This means you can give your guests a real bed to sleep on rather than the couch and provide plenty of floor space when it is not in use.

The Murphy bed is also more affordable than you would imagine. While the price tag may be a bit higher than the traditional bed, the benefits this option offers outweighs the initial cost of the bed. In fact, while you may pay a bit more to begin with, the space saving benefits will make it well-worth it.

If you are searching for more information about Murphy beds, contact website today. Here you can talk with bed and space professionals to have your own, customized Murphy bed created. This will help you optimize the space you have and ensure the bed matches your existing décor and space needs. You can also visit them on Google+ for more information.

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