How To Handle Your Alleged Offense With A DUI Attorney in Williston ND

by | May 14, 2015 | Attorney

Alleged offenders must understand that being accused of a DUI is no joke. The choices a person makes during and after a DUI can have a lasting effect on their lives. Having a DUI on your record can affect everything from your employment to your driving privileges. In order to get a fair chance in court a defendant need a DUI Attorney in Williston ND.

Attorneys can help you analyze the case before heading to court. Closely looking at the case can help a person decide what actions should be taken. Should the defendant plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest? Is it possible for certain potential penalties to be reduced? These are all questions a DUI Attorney in Williston ND can answer.

Many defendants mistakenly believe that a DUI is very similar to a speeding ticket or other plain citation. Unfortunately, a DUI offense is much more serious than a ticket for speeding. While a speeding ticket will typically require a driver to attend traffic school and pay a fine, a DUI conviction could lead to jail time. Even after spending time in jail, a driver may have to face steep auto insurance premiums, bad credit and problems qualifying for certain jobs.

Any DUI Attorney in Williston ND can tell you that DUI cases can get a little complicated. For instance, just because a driver was arrested for a DUI doesn’t mean they’ll be convicted for the alleged offense. During DUI investigations and arrests, law enforcement officers often make very costly mistakes. Breathalyzers which aren’t calibrated correctly don’t always give the correct results. Also, officers often make arrests when they have no probable cause to do so. If a defendant can prove that they were unjustly arrested or accused, they could avoid facing a number of penalties.

It’s usually best to consult with an attorney who focuses on DUI cases before attempting to fight a case. These attorneys are aware of many of the nuances surrounding DUI cases, and they’re able to help plan a defense accordingly. Again, it’s important to understand that the severity of a DUI case typically exceeds that of a regular citation. Work with a DUI lawyer in order to avoid a conviction and prove your innocence.

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