Things to Keep in Mind While Staying in Orthopedic Rehab in Lancaster

by | Jan 22, 2021 | Health

After orthopedic surgery, you might not be able to go back home right away, especially if you don’t have anyone who can help you recover. A rehab area in a hospital or in a nursing home can offer the assistance that you need so that you can recover as quickly as possible in order to go back home.

Doing Your Part

While in orthopedic treatment in Lancaster, you’ll be expected to do as much as you can when you’re ready. There will be therapists who can help you and equipment that you can use, but you’ll also be given the tools needed to begin caring for yourself so that you can go back home.


Expect to get involved with a therapist soon after you get settled into a center for orthopedic treatment in Lancaster. Someone will likely begin working with you in the morning with treatments ending sometime in the afternoon. Don’t think that you’ll have to exercise the entire day as you’ll get breaks, and you likely won’t need to have therapy every day. You’ll be able to discuss the goals that you have for going back home and the help that you will have once you’re there.

How Long?

Most people stay in an orthopedic rehab center for 30 days. Your doctor will examine you to determine if you need to stay longer than that, especially if you’re not making the progress that’s desired or if you have other medical issues that might need to be treated before being released.

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