Tips for Choosing an Apartment

by | Jan 16, 2017 | Real Estate

When you first start looking for apartments it can be daunting. No two apartments are the same, and what is right for someone else may not be what is right for you. Regardless of your personal taste there are a few things that you need to look out for when looking for apartments in downtown San Diego. These are a couple of universals that you will want to check for.


Chances are you own a car. If not, then there is a good chance someone you know owns a car and may want to come visit sometimes. Either way, you need to make sure any apartment you are considering has good parking. If not, then there is a good chance you will wind up having to park on the street and walk or pay to park in a nearby parking deck. Neither of these is a good option. Try to go by and check out the parking deck in the evening when people are usually home. This will give you an idea of how parking is. If they have assigned parking this can be even better depending on how many spots you will need. If you are going to be rooming with someone or having your significant other live with you in the apartment, then you will need to keep this in mind.


This is something you won’t be able to check very well on your own and hiring a plumber can be costly and time consuming, even if the building managers allow it. There are a few things you can check for yourself though. For one, check all of the sinks and showers for water pressure, make sure it is good. Next, check that all of the drains work without any backup. Flush all of the toilets and check for signs of a leak around the toilet and under the sinks. If everything checks out, then it at least means that there are no immediately obvious issues with the plumbing.

When you are looking for a new apartment it is important to take your time in checking it out to make sure it is something you will be able to live in for the next several months at least.

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