Why Does Lawn Aeration in Spokane Matter?

by | Apr 13, 2015 | Landscaping

One of the more important tasks with lawn care is making sure the ground is aerated properly. This type of activity can take place in the spring or the fall. It is important to note that Lawn Aeration in Spokane does provide benefits that make a difference in the appearance of the property. Here are a few examples.

Getting More Nutrients into the Ground

One of the things that Lawn Aeration in Spokane accomplishes is to loosen the dirt that has become compacted over time. This is important, since earth that is packed too tightly cannot absorb water as easily. The result is that even if the homeowner waters the lawn and applies fertilizer to the ground, the amount that actually works into the earth is limited. By having the yard aerated, it is much easier for those nutrients to work into the soil and provide the nourishment that the grass needs.

Improving Oxygen Levels in the Soil

People may not readily equate the need for oxygen and the growth of ground covering, but the fact is that the soil does need some level of oxygen in order to support that growth. The process of aeration helps to increase the oxygen content of the soil. That in turn promotes the development of root systems to support a healthy lawn of grass or any other natural ground cover that the homeowner chooses to use.

Control the Distribution of Rainwater Along the Surface of the Lawn

Another point in favor of aerating is that it helps to make it easier to avoid the development of puddles after a rainstorm. While grass needs water in order to thrive, too much of a good thing can have the opposite effect. By making sure that the water is absorbed properly, there is nothing left to stand for very long. That helps to reduce the chances of having areas of the lawn that turn yellow and eventually die.

If it has been some time since the lawn was aerated, today is the right time to call a local landscaping professional. Along with managing the aeration, the professional can also make recommendations for replacing lost nutrients and promoting fuller growth for the lawn.

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