3 Things to Know About Wearing Contact Lenses

by | Sep 1, 2016 | Eye Care Center

If you’ve been wearing glasses for a while, you may be considering to switching to contact lenses. Many people make this choice, particularly if they have begun to need to wear their glasses constantly. Here are three things Grand Rapids eye care professionals think you should know before choosing contacts over glasses.

  1. Contacts require more maintenance than glasses. It’s really important to follow usage instructions if you wear contacts. Your contacts must be cleaned regularly, and this includes cleaning the case. You must also follow instructions about whether or not you can sleep in your contacts. Not properly maintaining your contacts puts you at great risk for an eye infection.
  2. You must visit your eye doctor regularly to ensure your contacts prescription is correct. Wearing, old out of date lenses is not ok. If lenses do not properly fit or are too old, these can scratch your eye or even cause your blood vessels to grow into your cornea. Your Grand Rapids eye care professional can advise you about how often you need to visit to ensure your prescription is up to date, but it is critical that you follow these instructions.
  3. Some people are not good candidates for contacts. People prone to eye infections or allergic reactions in their eyes may not be good candidates for contacts. If you work in a very dusty environment, you may find contacts to be a bit of a nuisance. In addition, it’s wise not to allow your child to switch from glasses to contacts until you’re certain he or she can handle the care and cleaning independently.

The best source of information about whether or not contact lenses are right for you is your Grand Rapids eye care professional. Your doctor can discuss the pros and cons of wearing contacts with you, as well as advise you on the type of lens recommended for your personal situation. Today, there are many types of lenses available, and contacts can be a very affordable option. If you have vision insurance, nearly all of the cost may be covered.

Contact lenses can be a great alternative for people who need constant vision correction. Contacts offer many conveniences, including being less likely to break and looking more attractive than glasses. Be sure to work with your doctor to make the best decision about whether your vision correction should come from contacts or from glasses.

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