Reasons to Install a Home Water Filter in Troy, OH

by | Nov 7, 2017 | Plumbing

Homeowners across Ohio use tap water for everything from cooking food to showering and washing dishes, yet many give little thought to the quality of the water they are using. While it’s true that municipal water must pass through a water treatment facility prior to being routed into residents’ homes, treatment plants do not remove all contaminants. That’s why many homeowners choose to install a home Water Filter in Troy OH.

Remove Harmful Chemicals

Treatment facilities often add chlorine, fluoride, and nitrates to the water supply in an attempt to protect drinking water from harmful bacteria. While preventing the proliferation of microorganisms is certainly necessary, these chemicals can also be dangerous when ingested in large quantities. Home water filters remove traces of the chemicals used to purify water, making tap water both safer and more palatable.

Improve Taste

Removing the chemicals from tap water prior to drinking it isn’t just better for families’ health. It’s also better for their taste buds since chlorine and other chemicals often come with peculiar smells and tastes if they are not removed prior to consumption. Everyone deserves to drink clean, pure water, which is exactly what homeowners get when they install a Water Filter in Troy OH.

Less Wear on Plumbing and Appliances

Water that contains large amounts of mineral deposits is known as hard water. If not treated, this water can wreak havoc on appliances such as coffee makers and fixtures like faucets and drains. Calcium buildup doesn’t just occur in these obvious places, though; it also affects the house’s pipes, causing lasting damage over time.

Bottled Water is Expensive

The only viable alternative to filtering water is to buy bottled water. It may seem like a dollar a gallon is a good price, but all of those dollars add up to a fortune over the course of a year. Instead of wasting money on bottled water, put it toward a long-term solution.

Call a Plumber Today

There is several different types of home water filtration system, including UV light filters, sediment filters, and reverse osmosis systems. Homeowners can, and should, contact an experienced plumber to get help deciding which of them is the best option for their household. Visit to find information about one local plumbing company that can help. You can also watch video on their YouTube channel.

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