Presently, having to ask people to prove they are not ill or ask if they have been vaccinated against contagious pathogens is a touchy subject. Still, if you run a large commercial operation, you want to be sure everyone that walks through the doors is reasonably healthy. Rather than ask every person directly, which could result in some unpleasant or violent reactions, you can do so with a measure of stealth. A thermal scanner can help.

How a Thermal Scanner Works

If you have visited some of the most popular hot spots or tourist attractions recently, you might not have noticed these scanners in use. Essentially, the customer stands on a particular square space while the thermal camera scans his or her body for heat signatures. If the person isn’t showing any signs of fever, he or she is assumed to be reasonably healthy. Then he or she can pass through the doors and into the building.

Why It’s Favored to Asking Fifty Questions

The thermal features of this scanning system only look for high body temps. You don’t need to ask questions if someone’s heat signature is obviously, and literally, in the red. Customers respond well to seeing the technology in use and don’t mind the scanners. A lot of customers do mind invasive questioning or temperatures taken with a thermometer. It is also a lot faster and easier for everyone to pass over the scanning space. If you would like a demonstration of this equipment, contact us