A majority of Social Security disability cases are turned down after the first attempt. Many people do not get the benefits that they apply for the first time that they go to court. They are faced with having to file an appeal to get their cases heard again.

When you hire a Social Security disability lawyer Missouri applicants can get their cases back on the court’s docket quickly. Your lawyer can also work to make sure that your new case is given more consideration and that you have a better chance of winning the benefits that you need.

Gathering More Evidence

Your first attempt to win disability benefits could have been turned down because you did not present enough evidence to the judge. The judge had no choice but to decide that you could actually go back to work. You failed to show that you suffered from a serious illness or injury that prevents you from earning an income.

By retaining a Social Security disability lawyer Missouri plaintiffs like you can gather more evidence that is needed to prove your case to the judge. You can bring with you medical files, psychiatric reports and other documentation that shows that you have no reasonable way to return to work and support yourself.

Timely Appeal

After your first petition is denied, you have a limited time to file an appeal. If you do not file within a matter of weeks or months, the court could require you to file a brand new case.

Most lawyers will work on your case until you win the benefits for your illness or injury. They will not collect on fees until you win your case.

You can find out more about hiring a Social Security disability attorney online. Contact Grundy Disability Group online for details.