Podiatrists in Racine WI to Treat Complications for Plantar Fasciitis

by | Mar 10, 2017 | Health

There’s help for foot and ankle pain with Podiatrists in Racine WI. The feet have an intricate set of connective parts that work together harmoniously to make it comfortable to walk. One or more of those parts fail to function properly with a foot disorder. There are numerous foot and ankle disorders that make standing and walking a painful chore.

Plantar fasciitis is a heel disorder that affects a part of the foot anatomy called the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is an extended band of fibers that stretch from the toes to the heel. It supports the arch of the foot and is shock absorbent. A problem occurs when those fibers receive small tears repeatedly. Due to the healing process, those tears cause inflammation and scarring. The bands of fascia fibers become stiff and lose flexibility in time. Individuals with this condition say that pain is most intense when getting up after lying down or sitting for some time. This problem can be very hard to cure or relieve because the band of fibers are stretched with every step.

There are some things to do to make the healing process of a torn plantar fascia easier. Cold therapy and static compression reduces tissue damage and inflammation. This should be done in the first stage of healing. Blood circulation to the injured tissue is critical to healing. Blood has oxygen, nutrients and antioxidants that support healing. Increased blood flow to injured soft tissue accelerates the healing process. Electromagnetic energy is effective treatment for dense, soft tissue like the ligament on the bottom of the foot. It soothes the blood vessels in the injured parts and allows them to expand. Expansion accelerates circulation through the tissues. It also releases toxins and fluid build up, thus reducing inflammation.

The complications of plantar fasciitis can be palliated and even cured with the correct health care disciplines. Individual results do apply, but a life without pain is possible for anyone. An all-inclusive remedial approach directed by podiatrists in Racine WI is the best course of action. Schedule an appointment at Great Lakes Foot & Ankle Centers.

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