Understand the Basics of Baitrunner Reels for Fishing in Oakdale

by | Aug 13, 2019 | Business

If you have some experience fishing in the Oakdale area, you may have heard of a baitrunner before. You might just assume that this is a reel just like any other. However, baitrunner reels are unique in a few different ways. The main reason an angler would want to use this type of reel is because a hook and run technique will be used. Penn baitrunner reels are also best used with live bait. Find out more about the reasons for choosing a baitrunner reel in Oakdale, NY.

A Little History on the Baitrunner Reel

Baitrunners have been around for a while now. The first model was released in the late 1980s. Since then, many other names for baitrunners have become known. Some people refer to this type of reel as a live liner because it is especially suited for live bait. It is also known as a bait feeder, or a free spool. Whatever you want to call it, there are a few features that unmistakably make a baitrunner what it is.

Baitrunner reels have a special design that is intended to enhance drag. Oakdale anglers using this reel will be able to take advantage of a primary and secondary drag setup. The main drag button is located at the front of the reel. The bottom lower portion of the reel houses the secondary drag. At the top of the reel where the thumb rests is a teaser lever. These are the main parts of Penn baitrunner reels.

Using the Teaser Lever

Perhaps the best feature of the baitrunner reel is the teaser lever. This feature is used to activate the secondary drag. Once this secondary drag is put into action, the fish will feel free to swim away with the bait. Experienced anglers refer to this as a controlled free spool. Once the fish is secure with the bait, one can turn the reel’s handle to disengage the secondary drag. The main drag will then take over to allow the angler to pull in the fish.

Check Out a Baitrunner Reel

If you are doing freshwater fishing in Oakdale, NY, you may benefit from using a baitrunner reel. Again, this reel is great for cut, chunk bait or live bait fish. You’ll likely find that you can do a lot with a baitrunner reel.

For more assistance choosing a baitrunner reel, contact J&H Tackle in Oakdale at website.

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