When It’s Time for an Eyeglass Lens Replacement

by | Sep 22, 2015 | Shopping

You’ve noticed that your eyes are steadily becoming more irritated from day to day, slightly burning, or causing your vision to blur. Yet, rather than make an appointment to have your eyes checked, you continue to wear old prescription glasses. If this sounds like you, here are two ways for you to know it’s time to replace your old glasses.

Squinting & Tired Eyes

If you notice that you’re constantly straining to see, even with your eyeglasses on, it may be time to visit a specialist and have your eyes examined. Squinting is a sign that you’re straining your eyes to be able to effectively see. Doing this significantly reduces the health of your eyes, causing them to worsen the more you squint or strain.

Another issue that is a sign that you may need an eyeglass lens replacement is if you are noticing that your eyes are increasingly becoming more tired at the end of each day than usual. Our society is very fast-paced, with many professionals working well beyond their physical means, causing their bodies to wear out and develop physical ailments. Working long hours without giving your eyes a rest can cause them to worsen because they’re not receiving enough rest to recuperate and perform at their best each day. Not getting enough sleep or staring at a bright computer screen for long periods of time effectively strains your eyesight and results in prescription eyeglasses underperforming due to the stress of worsened vision.

Rather than continuing to make your eyesight worse, schedule an appointment to have your eyes checked. The quicker you replace your old lenses, the faster your eyes will receive relief and you’ll limit further damage to your vision.

Wear & Tear

Many eyeglass owners hold onto old frames and lenses way beyond their shelf life, trying to ignore obvious signs of wear and tear. If your lenses are scratched, continually being displaced from the frames, or you’re experiencing irritation from the prescription strength, it’s time for you to seek an eyeglass lens replacement. Holding onto old lenses, no matter what their condition, only sacrifices the health of your eyesight. If you have scratches across your lenses, your eyes are going to be doing extra work to see beyond the scratches, causing them to strain or even grow tired throughout each day. If the lenses no longer fit within your frames, it’s time for either a new fitted set of lenses or a brand new pair of frames that match your old set. Ill-fitted lens also cause your eyes to become strained because they may not be properly aligned to your eyesight. Not to mention, having your lenses fall out on a consistent basis puts you at risk of scratching the surface of the lens and/or potentially losing them.

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