Three Strategies of Criminal Defense Attorneys in Kankakee

by | Jun 5, 2017 | Law

If you find yourself facing any type of criminal charges, you will be looking at a lot of legal proceedings in your future. This can be stressful, even if the charges are minor, since they can affect your future and your daily life. In order to see the most positive outcome of your case, you will want to look at hiring a criminal defense lawyer for your case. When you hire a criminal defense lawyer, you’ll have someone working for you and your case from start to finish, giving you better prospects and peace of mind.

To choose the right attorney, you will need to know what to look for. There are many types of lawyers out there that specialize in different types of cases and defenses, so you will want to choose the right one for your needs. To learn more, here are three strategies that criminal defense attorneys in Kankakee use.

Affirmative Defense

If you accept some or all of the charges, this called an affirmative defense. This strategy can be used to help reduce sentencing when there is an admission of full or partial guilt. This type of defense can be used in conjunction with other types of defense by criminal defense attorneys.

Insanity Defense

While this defense has been made popular by television and other media, this type of defense is not commonly used. When it is, it is not always successful either, even with the help of experienced criminal defense attorneys. This defense essentially states that you didn’t know that what you were doing was against the law. This defense requires you to have evidence of illness at the time of the crime, which can be risky if not unsuccessful.

Coercion or Duress

Essentially, if you were forced to commit a crime or you were put in a situation where you were left with no other option, this is a common defense you can use. Not to be confused with a case of pleading self-defense, this defense also requires witnesses and extensive evidence to realize success, along with the aid of a criminal defense lawyer in Kankakee.

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